Our Philosophy
Our promise of good. We approach every aspect of the way we do business with the same commitment to quality and innovation that you’ve come to expect from our products.
Company Leadership
One year is a long time. And within a given year, a lot can happen. A lot that we can look back on and celebrate, learn from and put into action for next year. Our Farm to Fork Report details all of that crucial information. See for yourself.
Community Leadership
Our commitment to quality extends beyond the chicken we bring to your family’s table. It also means setting the right example and supporting worthwhile causes in our communities. Whether we’re sharing our knowledge with future family farmers, providing wholesome food to those in need or promoting healthy choices – we live our values by sharing good with others.
Industry Leadership
As an innovator in the production and marketing of premium, value-added chicken products, we have been at the forefront of many of the industry’s top production and packaging solutions. Some of our most notable firsts include:
- The first poultry brand in the country to offer a full line of fresh, fixed-weight scannable products, providing easier meal planning and portion control.
- The first to place a freshness date code on an entire line of fresh chicken products — providing consumers the assurance of fresh, high-quality chicken.
- One of the first chicken brands to voluntarily provide nutritional labeling on our products.
- The first poultry brand to remove fat from our fresh tray pack products as an added benefit for consumers.
- One of the first mainstream chicken brands to commit to a full transition of its entire product portfolio to be raised without antibiotics of any kind and to carry the "No Antbiotics–Ever" attribute on package.