Our History
The Gold’n Plump® brand is launched, providing consumers with great tasting fresh chicken.
Purchased the Armour Processing facility to fully integrate production. Built a feed mill in Sauk Rapids, MN, to meet the needs of a growing operation and distribution area. Built a processing facility in Sauk Rapids to expand the company’s value-added product line.
Company’s CEO, Don Helgeson, hands role of chief operating officer over to son, Michael. Purchased Arcadia Fryers, a production complex in Arcadia, WI. Subsequently, expanded the Arcadia complex to include new chicken barns, a new feed mill and increased production capabilities — all of which doubled the operation’s production capacity.
Cold Spring, MN, production plant is damaged by a fire; plant repair accelerates previously planned expansion of the plant. Acquired a former beef production facility in Luverne, MN. Plant converted to produce value-added, convenience chicken products such as pre-seasoned, pre-stuffed breasts.
Completed expansion project at the Cold Spring, MN, production plant. Expansion included the installation of new, patent-pending technology to produce the market’s first full line of fresh, fixed-weight scannable tray pack chicken as well as the addition of new employee welfare areas.
2000 & 2001
Consolidated operations to capitalize on recent expansion efforts and acquisitions and increase operational efficiency.
Completed the new hatchery in Independence, Wis., the first step of a 4-year improvement project for our Arcadia operations. Introduced the All Natural™ line of products to fit the increasing demand for premium chicken with no added hormones, solutions or preservatives.
After years of training, The Mom Squad™ is ready to take on bad chicken and bring the goodness of Gold’n Plump chicken to dinner tables everywhere.
Gold'n Plump All Natural products become officially certified by the American Humane Certified™ farm program. To carry the American Humane Certified seal, our animal care, handling and processing practices are audited and must meet or exceed the agency's more than 200 rigorous requirements.
Gold'n Plump becomes will be one of the first mainstream chicken brands to fully transition its entire product line to be raised without antibiotics of any kind and to carry the “No Antibiotics–Ever” attribute on-package.
Continue to develop chicken products that fit the way you live and eat as well as convenience offerings with great taste.