Meet Our Family Farmers
The Blommel Family
Part of our flock since: 1978
Arnie, Mary Jane, Brian, Lynn and Kelly
On raising chickens:
“We are a small business out here and we take care of our birds,” says Arnie. “We don’t delegate responsibility, we take care of it personally. I would like people to understand that we are really close to them and it's a concern of ours that we have a quality product.”
On farm life:
In their spare time Arnie loves to golf and Mary Jane likes to do crafting. Brian keeps busy helping run the farm and is great at fixing things.
The Kaminski Family
Part of our flock since: 1995
Chris, Nancy, Danny and Amanda
On raising chickens:
“I always liked animals…that’s another big reason I suppose I like farming so much,” says Chris. “I always like to keep the interest of the animal in mind.” Nancy adds, “Those animals are in your care…that’s your job.”
On farm life:
Chris: “We’ve been trying to take care of the land as good as we can…trying to leave the land better than when we took it over.” Nancy: “This is perfect. It’s a good way to raise a family too.”
The Filla Family
Part of our flock since: 1993
Dan, Nancy, Nick, Jessie, and Rebecca
On raising chickens:
“I think it’s taught our kids a lot of responsibility. They know what we have to do and that they have to pitch in.”
On farm life:
“What I think it comes down to is hard work will get you anywhere,” says Nancy. “My motto is, if you can work hard, you can play hard.” On that note, the Fillas enjoy traveling, sports and walking their dog, Barker.
The Wieczorek Family
Part of our flock since: 1996
Arnie, Laura, Justin, Heather, Dylan and Hannah
On raising chickens:
“It gives a person the freedom to be your own boss. And it’s great for raising kids. It teaches them responsibility. Our money comes from the animals so we know the better we take care of them, the better they do.”
On farm life:
“We enjoy driving the four-wheelers around,” says Arnie. “I throw horseshoes on a league team.” Laura enjoys reading and taking care of her plants. And she says, “Dylan’s into sports, Hannah’s into gossip!”
The Wuertz Family
Part of our flock since: 2000
Bill, Lynn, Megan, Brooke and Abbie
On raising chickens:
“Since I could walk…I dreamed of having a farm and being able to make a living with my wife and family,” says Bill. He’d like to be remembered as “somebody that took care of the land and did his part to feed the country.”
On farm life:
Lynn says, “The girls realize where food comes from…they won’t eat vegetables out of the can anymore. They know the freshness of things coming straight off the farm.”
The Pronschinske Family
Part of our flock since: 1997
Marc, Karla, Drew, Alyssa and Zach
On raising chickens:
“It’s nice to be able to have the kids help us and have them around,” says Karla. “Raising the chickens, they enjoy it.”
On farm life:
“Just being in the country. Fresh air. Out of trouble. Some place to run. Kids learn how to work. They get to use their imagination. And make their own fun.”